Monday, 19 January 2009

Our first landing - The Falklands (Malvinas if you are in Argentina)

Bird World and Juvenille Rock Hoppers - asleep!

Staionary Rock Hopper and Albartross Not clear for landing!

Black-browed Albatross and Son of.......

Rubber dinghy oops- zodiac! and Intrepid Twitcher!

Amazing our first landing by zodiac onto a remote island on West Falkland. Having been kitted out in Arctic wet gear we looked like red martians lined up to board the black rubber dingies (felt like a scene from Woody Allen - 'All you ever wanted to know about sex but where afraid to ask' - only they were in white!) We trekked across the windy moor-like terrain passing upland geese, sheep and pretty low-lying plants and flowers. Over the ridge and down steep cliffs covered in nesting birds. Amazing black-browed albatross with huge grey fluffy babies and penguins with tall brown fluffy teenagers! The shear numbers and size of these creatures was overwhelming - we sat amongst the tussock grasses like voyeurs on another world - at times as close as I am to the computer screen! The nose and smell was also over whelming as they vie for space and territory and carried on their business!!

Rock Hopper Estate Duck! And Cara-cara landing!
Magellanic Pengiun at home.
The afternoon landing (Saunders Island) was equally impressive (although less scary as we were becoming old hands at dressing and sterilising boots in sheep-dip routines, boarding and disembarking into the sea!) as the beautiful white sand and azure sea gave the penguins the space to roam and swim. Quite stunning and so lucky with this glorious weather!!

This is it! And this is Gov. House

Today we have been exploring Stanley - not so beautiful but symbolic in its history and none-the-less interesting. After a hearty fish & chip lunch in a British pub garden we are nearly ready to board ship ready for the 2 day sail down to South Georgia.

We are now off to the bottom of the world and may be some time.........

(Hope to pick up again early Feb -Tom has our ship e-mail)

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